
利用 Scratch 進行 CSCL 教學

本文作者 Mitchel Resnick 教授從 1985 年開始在 Lego 團隊中幫忙,後來他的團隊另外創造出 Scratch 這個程式語言,做為學習的一種媒介。



幼稚園學生的學習方式與現代社會所需要的能力是相符的。因此 Mitchel Resnick 教授認為我們應該把這一種學習方式拓展到其他各個階段的學習中。

為了讓這樣的學習方式能在各個年齡層中被應用,他們開發 Scratch 語言來達成這個目的,文中提到 13 歲的小女生 BalaBethany 藉由 Scratch 與其他網友的互動真實展現幼稚園學習方式在其他年齡層也可以進行

前一篇文章提到 CSCL 的學習模式,我想 Mitchel Resnick 教授這一篇文章就是 CSCL 教學應用的一個範例。


"Underlying traditional kindergarten activities is a spiraling learning process in which children imagine what they want to do, create a project based on their ideas (using blocks, finger paint, or other materials), play with their creations, share their ideas and creations with others, and reflect on their experiences -- all of which leads them to imagine new ideas and new projects. This iterative learning process is ideal preparation for today's fast-changing society, in which people must continually come up with innovative solutions to unexpected situations in their lives.

If this approach is so well aligned with current societal needs, why do we so rarely support it in classrooms? One reason is that our society and our educational system don't place enough value on creative thinking.

Another reason is a lack of appropriate media and technologies: Wooden blocks and finger paint are great for learning kindergarten concepts (such as numbers, shapes, sizes, and colors). But as children get older, they want and need to work on more advanced projects and learn more advanced concepts. To do that, they need different types of tools, media, and materials.

This is where I believe digital technologies can play their most important role."
- Kindergarten Is the Model for Lifelong Learning | Edutopia (在「Google 網頁註解」中檢視)

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